RESBC: Retired Employees of Santa Barbara County (RESBC) is a voluntary non-profit retiree organization. Membership is available exclusively to retired employees of Santa Barbara County and their spouses. Membership dues are deducted from the retired member’s monthly County pension allowance.
OUR PURPOSE: The general purpose of RESBC is to promote the welfare, health, happiness and comfort of Santa Barbara County retired employees and their beneficiaries.
OUR GOALS: To achieve our general purpose, RESBC is committed to monitoring retirement issues, including legislation and Board of Retirement decisions, and to provide our members with pertinent information through our website, quarterly newsletter, quarterly speaker presentations and focus workshops. RESBC is also a member CRCEA - a state-wide coalition of county retiree groups that sponsors legislation or supports/opposes legislation on behalf of retired county employees and their beneficiaries. RESBC also schedules quarterly luncheons and frequent trips/social events to promote retiree education, socialization and enjoyment.
HOW TO JOIN RESBC: If you (or your spouse) are a retired employee of the County of Santa Barbara and wish to join RESBC, please contact SBCERS (Santa Barbara County Employees Retirement System) at 805-568-2940 to request a membership form and deduction authorization, or go to their website, See the Resources tab for more information.
TO CONTACT RESBC: RESBC, P.O. Box 30401, Santa Barbara,CA 93130-0401, 805-568-5933 (voice mail). You can also leave a message on our website, go to "Contact" on the side bar menu.